
Install django-allauth-2fa with pip (note that this will install Django, django-allauth, django-otp, qrcode and all of their requirements):

pip install django-allauth-2fa

After all the pre-requisities are installed, django-allauth and django-otp must be configured in your Django settings file. (Please check the django-allauth documentation and django-otp documentation for more in-depth steps on their configuration.)

    # Required by allauth.

    # Configure Django auth package.

    # Enable allauth.

    # Configure the django-otp package.

    # Enable two-factor auth.

    # Configure Django auth package.

    # Configure the django-otp package. Note this must be after the
    # AuthenticationMiddleware.

    # Reset login flow middleware. If this middleware is included, the login
    # flow is reset if another page is loaded between login and successfully
    # entering two-factor credentials.

# Set the allauth adapter to be the 2FA adapter.
ACCOUNT_ADAPTER = 'allauth_2fa.adapter.OTPAdapter'

# Configure your default site. See

After the above is configure, you must run migrations.

python migrate

Finally, you must include the django-allauth-2fa URLs:

from django.urls import include, path

urlpatterns = [
    # Include the allauth and 2FA urls from their respective packages.
    path('accounts/two-factor/', include('allauth_2fa.urls')),
    path('accounts/', include('allauth.urls')),


Any login view that is not provided by django-allauth will bypass the allauth workflow (including two-factor authentication). The Django admin site includes an additional login view (usually available at /admin/login).

The easiest way to fix this is to wrap it in staff_member_required decorator and disallow access to the admin site to all, except logged in staff members through allauth workflow. (the code only works if you use the standard admin site, if you have a custom admin site you’ll need to customize this more):

from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.admin.views.decorators import staff_member_required

# Ensure users go through the allauth workflow when logging into admin. = staff_member_required(, login_url='/accounts/login')
# Run the standard admin set-up.